PhD Student
Texas A&M University (TAMU)
Email: maklachur [at] gmail [dot] com OR maklachur [at] tamu [dot] edu
I am Md Maklachur Rahman, a CS PhD student at TAMU, College Station, USA. Before joining to PhD, I worked as a Researcher for CSET and primarily for Virtual Reality Lab (VR Lab) at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Kyungpook National University (KNU). I completed my MS under VR Lab as a Research Assistant. Formerly, I worked as a Software Engineer at Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh for about three years. However, I have completed undergraduate studies at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET). I am always enthralled by computer science fundamentals and am interested in using deep learning frameworks to solve computer vision problems to improve the quality of life. My research focuses on developing real-time Visual Object Tracking frameworks with potential applications in autonomous vehicles, intelligent surveillance, augmented reality, and medical image analysis. Additionally, I am also involved in developing a community tool that uses machine learning-based Semantic Segmentation for labeling outcrop images. Ultimately, this tool aims to expose geoscience students to computer science and help them explore new geological environments, such as Mars.